The applause was loud and enthusiastic as 12 acts took the stage last Thursday night to prove that GW’s got talent. The event, sponsored by Program Board and GW Hillel saw a great turn out for an evening of artistic performances. Liz Moses, Executive Chair of Program Board, and one of the coordinators of the event said that the organizers “wanted to come up with an event that would unite the student body under the arts,” explaining her sentiment that the great amount of talent at GW is often under celebrated.
Each performance brought something new to the competition. Not only vocal talent, but instrumental talents were also showcased. The contestants had been selected from a much larger pool of open call auditions, and three judges were selected to determine the winner among the acts. GW Professor of Music, Dr. Robert Baker, Captain Cookie founder Kirk Francis, and Student Association Executive Vice President Avra Bossov provided feedback to each act, and ultimately decided the winner, and who would be the opening act at Spring Fling next semester.
“The evening was spectacular, the talent was really immense, it blew me away,” said Francis.
Performing two original rap songs, including the crowd-favorite, “Tuesday Night at McFadden’s”, Joe Jean-Mary engaged the audience, and won the honor of performing as the opening act during Spring Fling.
Jean-Mary, a senior majoring in criminal justice and english, goes by the rap name of Junior in the group Perplex the Crew. He said that most of his performing happens in Massachusetts and at Busboys and Poets, though occasionally his music is played on the radio show that he hosts, You Know What It Is. He would like to thank everyone for supporting him and says “see you at Spring Fling”.